Peters Township Sanitary Authority -- Sewer Connection Tapping Fees
Peters Township Sanitary Authority
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Residential Packet for Sewer Connection (PDF)

Residential Application for a Sewer Connection Permit (PDF)

Non-Residential Packet for Sewer Connection (PDF)

Non-Residential Application for a Sewer Connection Permit (PDF)

Sewer Use Rules & Regulations Appendix B Standard Specifications and Procedures for Construction of Building Sewers (PDF)

Related Links

Backwater Valve Policies and Forms

Go to to download the Municipality Authorities Act (PDF)
[Note: section on Tapping Fees is found in Section 5607(d) (24) –(33)].





Sewer Connection and Tapping Fees

The Sanitary Authority has put together a presentation outlining the tapping fee and connection charges. Download Tapping Fee Presentation (PDF)

Current Sewer Tapping Fee

For complete details, download Summary Report Tapping Fee and Connection Charges Update 2 (PDF)



$3,200 / wye available      

$91 + $12.05 / gallon

$3,460 / tap and saddle installed
by Sanitary Authority  

$351 + 12.05 / gallon

The Sanitary Authority follows the requirements set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipality Authorities Act of 1945 which provides for an authority to charge enumerated fees to property owners who desire or are required to connect to the Authority’s sewer system.  Act 57 of 2003, amended the Municipality Authorities Act as it pertains to tapping fee and connection charges. For simplicity, references to the law governing calculation of tapping fee will reference Act 57 of 2003.

Act 57 of 2003 provides for the following fees to be charged to customers desiring to or required to connect to the Authority’s sewer system:

Connection Fee – a fee based on the actual cost of connection of the property from sewer main   to the property line, or it may be based on the average cost of previously installed connections.

Customer Facilities Fee – a fee based on the actual cost of facilities from the property line to the building being served.

Tapping Fee – is comprised of the capacity part, the collection part, and may include a special purpose part and/or a reimbursement part.

The basic concept of charging tapping fees is to recover a portion of embedded fixed capital investment costs from new customers as they connect to the sewer system. When sewage treatment and disposal facilities are constructed by a public agency, such as treatment plants, interceptors, trunk sewers, and sewer mains, they are designed and constructed to not only provide service to the existing customer base, but also to serve the growth needs of the community. The existing customers, through years of the debt service payment portion of their sewer use charge, or by the use of surplus funds, pay for the cost of constructing facilities that will someday be utilized by future customers. The tapping fee provides a mechanism to recover from the new customer revenues that reimburse the existing customer base for the unencumbered fixed assets which provide sewage treatment and disposal, and which the existing customer base paid for.

Ordinances and Board Resolutions

Township Ordinance 79 Connection to Sanitary Sewer Required

Resolution 07-08-08 Tapping Fee Summary Report Update 2

Resolution 04-12-04 Adopting Appendix B along with Rules and Regulations for Construction of Building Sewers

For Tapping Fee payments please wait until advised of the amount before making payment

Secure Link to Make Payment