Peters Township Sanitary Authority
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Brush Run Facility

Design Flow: 2.3 MGD

Annual Volume Treated: 489.6 million gallons

Pollutants Removed

BOD:   941,262 lbs.     (97.6% removal) 

TSS:    655,321 lbs.     (96% removal)

Ammonia Nitrogen: 78,511 lbs. (99% removal)

Total Phosphorus 14,494 lbs. (80% removal)

Municipal Wasteload Management Reports

The Pennsylvania Code 25, Chapter 94 requires annual reports to be filed with the PA DEP. The Chapter 94 requires owners of sewage facilities to project, plan, and manage future hydraulic, organic, and industrial waste loadings to their sewage facilities.

2022 Municipal Wasteload Management Report (PDF)







Brush Run Water Pollution Control Plant

The Brush Run WPCP plant is located on Valleybrook Road near Rt. 19. The plant's hydraulic design capacity is 2.3 million gallons per day (MGD) and its organic design capacity is 3,956 lb/day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). 

The original plant was constructed in 1964 and has been expanded several times with the most recent expansion and upgrade being placed into operation in 1995 at its current capacity.  The WPCP’s capacity is intended to accommodate the projected customer growth in the Brush Run Watershed of Peters Township through the design year 2030.  It is noted that population growth projections for the initial design have not been realized; infiltration and inflow control and prudent operation of the Brush Run WCPC have extended the design year and useful life well beyond the initial design.

The plant is constantly monitored by a combination of personnel and a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System. This system notifies staff automatically of any problems or failures

Treatment Process

The plant provides advanced secondary treatment with the treatment process consisting of screening followed by the conventional activated sludge process, followed by disinfection, ultra violet light, and finally, effluent aeration. Biological solids produced in the treatment process are stabilized by aerobic digestion, dewatered by belt filter pressing, and disposed of at a sanitary landfill. For more details on the treatment process, view Brush Run Flow Schematic (.jpg)

Treatment Plant Performance



NPDES Permit Limits

2023 Annual Average


2.3 Million Gallons Daily

 1.35 Million Gallons Daily

(Biochemical Oxygen Demand)  

Summer – 20 mg/l
Winter – 25 mg/l

7 mg/l     
(milligrams per liter)

Suspended Solids

30 mg/l     

6 mg/l     

Ammonia Nitrogen

Summer –1.9 mg/l
Winter –3.0 mg/l

0.2 mg/l     

Laboratory and Proficiency Testing

Visit PTSA Laboratory for complete details on our process.

Lab DMRQA Summary (PDF)


Photo Gallery





Brush Run WPCP