Peters Township Sanitary Authority -- Grease Trap Management Program
Peters Township Sanitary Authority
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Grease Trap Permit Application (PDF)

Sewer Use Rules & Regulations - Appendix E Standard Specifications and Procedures for Installation and Maintenance of Waste Water Pretreatment Systems (PDF)

Grease Traps / Interceptors General Guidelines (PDF)

Plumbing and Drainage Institute Standard PDI-G101 (PDF)

Grease Interceptor Maintenance Log (PDF)

Other Information

The following documents will assist you in installing and properly maintaining your grease trap:

Fats, Oils and Grease Best Management Practices (PDF)

Grease Trap Inspection Program (html)

Grease Control Poster (PDF)

Handwashing Sink Only Poster (PDF)

No Grease in Drain Poster (PDF)




Grease Trap Management Program

Peters Township Ordinance No. 329 requires all non-residential food service establishments to have a working grease trap installed. The Authority adopted Resolution 07-11-09 amending the Sewer Use Rules and Regulations to included Appendix E – the standard specifications and procedures for installation and maintenance of wastewater pretreatment systems.

This trap shall be cleaned periodically to prevent the discharge of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) to the sanitary sewer system. It is estimated the 90% of the FOG discharged from a typical food service comes from the 3-bowl sink used for pre-rinsing and washing utensils. The FOG produced by households can be dealt with through routine maintenance of the sewer lines and normal treatment at the wastewater plant. 

The Sanitary Authority requires that all grease traps conform to the Plumbing and Drainage Institute Standard PDI-G101. Grease traps and their installation details must be on the application and approved by the Authority before construction. 

What is Grease Trap?

Grease traps are used to keep fat, oil, and grease (FOG) out of the sanitary sewer system. When FOG enters the waste stream and ultimately the treatment plant, they create a variety of problems. It clogs pipes and causes sewage to back up into homes, commercial establishments, and open spaces. As it reaches the plant, grease causes mechanical problems and increases treatment time and costs. Grease introduced into the sewer system is lost as a valuable resource. When FOG is recycled prior to entering the sewer system, it can be used in a variety of products such as soaps and cosmetics, fertilizer, animal feeds, and munitions.

How does it work?

A Grease Trap, or the larger Grease Interceptor, is a reservoir built into the wastewater piping system a short distance from the grease producing area.  Baffles in the reservoir retain the wastewater long enough for the grease to congeal and rise to the surface and solids to fall to the floor.  This action allows for clear wastewater to flow out of the reservoir into the sanitary system free from fats, oils and grease.

Ordinances and Board Resolutions

Township Ordinance 232

Resolution 07-11-09 Adopting Appendix E along with Rules and Regulation for Waste Water Pretreatment Requirements for Food Services

Resolution 06-08-09 Access to Private Property