Peters Township Sanitary Authority
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Payment Options:

Mail Payments to PTSA Office:

Peters Township Sanitary Authority
111 Bell Drive
McMurray, PA 15317

In Person at the PTSA Office:

A secure drop box is affixed to the building to the right of the office entrance Please do not put cash payments in that box.

A secure box is also located in the vestibule of which cash payments can be made.

If dropping off payment in one of the boxes and require a receipt please include a self-addressed envelope.

Automatic Payment:

Submit ACH Form click here ACH Form

Credit Cards and EChecks



* * * *   I M P O R T A N T     N O T I C E   * * * *

Effective November 26, 2014, Jordan Tax Service will no longer be providing any services on behalf of the Authority.

Customer Billing and Collections

The PTSA will now be performing the sewage billing and collections. A customer portal is available on the Home Page. The customer portal will allow customers to receive e-bills, pay online by credit card or check, and customers will have access to past sewage bills once processed through new system. Please make the "" a safe sender.

Customers interested in Automatic Payments (ACH Payments) will need to submit the completed ACH Form. Click here to download the form "ACH Form".

Sewage Claim Letters

The Authority will process all sewage claim letter requests for property transfers and refinance.

See Property Transfers/Dye Testing Page






Billing Questions:

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30pm

Mailing Address and Office Location:

111 Bell Drive
McMurray, PA 15317

Phone: 724-941-6709

Billing Other Information:

Medical Form