Peters Township Sanitary Authority
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lDeduct Meter Application - New Meter

Deduct Meter - New Owner Application

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Deduct Meter Information

The Sanitary Authority shall permit by application the installation of an additional meter(s) to determine the quantity of water excluded from the sanitary sewer system, after it is established to the satisfaction of the Sanitary Authority that a portion of the water used in or on any property does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewer system.  The type, size, location and arrangement of such meter(s) shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the Sanitary Authority.  The installation, maintenance and repair of the meter and of the remote reader shall be the sole responsibility of the user.  The meter(s) must have the approval of the American Water Works Associates and shall include an exterior mounted remote.  The requirement for a remote reader may be waived by the Sanitary Authority provided the installation meets all requirements for accessible readings.  This waiver may be revoked by the Sanitary Authority if it discovers accessibility is limited or impeded. 

Application for Meter or New Owner

New Meter -The application for a meter shall be accompanied by a sketched plan of the property, the water distribution system, the sewer layout, existing meters, and the proposed changes in the water distribution system to accommodate the new meter. The sketch shall be neatly drawn to scale, and shall be subject to approval by the Sanitary Authority.  The exterior remote shall be placed in a safe, readily accessible location.  After installation is approved, the Sanitary Authority will affix their seal to the meter and record the reading on the meter as the initial reading.  If the location of the remote reader is approved, the Sanitary Authority will synchronize the initial reading on the water and remote reader and affix their seal.  The seal shall remain intact in order to receive a deduct credit. 

New Owner -


The Sanitary Authority reserves the right to inspect and test any deduct meters as needed to verify compliance with all regulations and proper operation.  Inspections of the deduct meters will be conducted once every ten years or at the discretion of the Authority. Violation of any sewer ordinance or resolution may result in the nullification of the deduct meter readings.  Any modification to the water supply piping from the approved sketch will result in the nullification of the deduct meter reads and require re-application with a security deposit. 

Meter Readings

The Sanitary Authority will read the meter for residential and commercial users annually during the third billing quarter or at other times the Sanitary Authority deems appropriate.  Those commercial users with high usage may elect to have the deduct meter read each billing cycle. The measurement of the deduct meter shall be deducted from the users sewage usage based upon the reading of the primary water meter.  The meter read fee will be deducted from the credit. The Sanitary Authority reserves the right to make required adjustments to the credit.

Deduct credits will not be given if the exterior remote is broken or damaged and if the remote is not easily accessible. It is the responsibility of the applicant or current property owner to contact the Sanitary Authority to schedule a read if their remote is in a fenced area and they have a pet.  Prior to sale of any property, a final deduct meter read must be obtained from the actual deduct meter.  The current property will receive their deduct credit, if any, in their final bill and then the deduct meter service will be suspended.  The new property owner will have to establish the deduct meter service by completing an application and having an inspection performed by the Sanitary Authority.

Board Resolutions

Resolutions 07-12-04, 01-01-06 and 08-06-10 outline the practices and procedures regarding the deduct meter program.  The applicable fees associated with the program are outlined in Resolution 4.12.23 / Adoption of Revised Schedule of Rates and Charges (PDF)